High Process Vessels
A pressure vessel is a container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure.
Yenplas can design these kind of vessels up to 10 bar (g) with thicknesses that make them much more economical than pressure vessels manufactured with conventional techniques. Designed as per the ASME – Section X
They also cater an appreciable resistance to corrosion, temperature and pressure. The material used for high pressure vessels are usually stainless steel. The application of high pressure vessels are for chemical reactors, high-speed mixers and supercritical extraction system.

Yenplas’s strength is its design. Design involves parameters such as maximum safe operating pressure and temperature, safety factor, corrosion allowance and minimum design temperature (for brittle fracture). Construction is tested using nondestructive testing, such as ultrasonic testing, radiography, and pressure tests. Hydrostatic pressure tests usually use water, but pneumatic tests use air or another gas. Hydrostatic testing is preferred, because it is a safer method, as much less energy is released if a fracture occurs during the test (water does not greatly increase its volume when rapid depressurization occurs, unlike gases, which expand explosively). Mass or batch production products will often have a representative sample tested to destruction in controlled conditions for quality assurance. Pressure relief devices may be fitted if the overall safety of the system is sufficiently enhanced